EBAss and the European Committee for Hyperbaric Medicine (ECHM) are working with the  European College of Baromedicine (ECB) to ensure that centres wishing to conduct training to the required standards can easily achieve accreditation for their courses.

Training courses accepted as satisfying required criteria ultimately gain accreditation from the ECB.

One of the major strengths of the EBAss/ECHM/ECB scheme is that it is multi lingual such that students can undertake required training and examination in their native language (6 languages will be available initially); for this to become a reality we need training centres to become accredited for training. The aim is to have at least one (hopefully more than one) accredited facility in all countries providing training in the local language.

Training centres wishing to apply for accreditation by ECB should initially contact EBAss at accreditation@ebassexam.org  supplying the following information:

Required information to be submitted for request of accreditation

  • Formal application requesting accreditation

  • Complete Course Curriculum, detailing topics, lecture & practical session duration

  • Showing that the programme satisfies requirements as specified in the EBAss/ECHM

  • Resource Manual

  • Details of course venue + equipment available

  • Candidate’s admission pre-requisites

  • Qualifications of Course Director(s) (C.V.)

  • Qualifications of Faculty (with C.V.)

  • Cost of the course

  • Disclosure of any conflict of interest



NOTES: The above must be provided in English, it is recognised that having to translate all course material into English would be far too onerous and therefore the decision was taken to request the bare minimum information in English in order to ensure the course properly addresses subjects as specified in the EBAss/ECHM Resource Manual. The final proving of the course will be when students sit the EBAss on-line examination where their knowledge will be independently tested.