The European system of certification

Information on the European system of certification, certification of training centers and the exchange of personnel.


European Certification

The essential for certification.

You can see our chart application that will guide you through the procedure.

Other section also allows you to watch the list of certified personnel, test your knowledge online and access to the online exam. Admissions requirements and certification of personnel are explained in the document below.

Go to:

>> EBAss Practice Exam
>> EBC/EBAss OnlineExaminations
>>Fees for EBAss examination and Certification Renewal

Exchange personnel

The main objective of this program is the exchange of professional experiences between members. Details of the program are explained in the document below. To e-mail the boardmember in charge of the exchange program, for participation or simply for more information:


Skills Needed

Following study of existing training and education programs in Europe and across the World, a global and appropriate training system has been prepared. This system has been accepted by the ECHM who integrated this resource manual as an ECHM document.

Training to the EBAss framework 98%
Theoretical training should apply to EBAss/EBC 92%
Suitable reports of practical training 96%
Examination for the appropriate grade 98%