Article 22. A Board of Directors is elected by the General Assembly. It consists of at least 3 (three) administrators and no more than 15 (fifteen) maximum.
Article 23. Duration of the mandates: The duration of the director’s mandate is three years. Each director may be re-elected. At any time, the General Assembly may remove a director.
Article 24. The application for a post of director, signed by at least three effective members, must be sent to the Board of Directors, by registered mail, thirty days before the assembly. The votes towards those applying for this function and presented of this manner, are the only valid ones. In the case of outgoing administrators, they may be re-elected without the obligation to provide another signed application. This is their prerogative.
Article 25. The Board of Directors is to be made up of a third of approved effective members.
Article 26. The General Assembly is convened by the Board of Directors by letter, fax or e-mail, at least thirty days before the date of the assembly, by letter signed by the president, the general secretary or by three administrators in the name of the Board of Directors. The convening stipulates the place and the agenda. A deputy with a maximum of 1 procuration may represent a Director. The Board of Directors may only deliberate with the necessary authority if at least half of the Board Members are attending or are represented. A Board of Directors meeting must be held at least, twice a year one of which may be held using electronic conferencing facility.
Article 27. The Board of Directors has the largest competences for the management of the association and its representation, without prejudice of the attributions of the General Assembly.
Article 28. The resolutions of the Board of Directors are taken by the majority of the attending or represented administrators. In case of dispute, the president has a casting vote. The resolutions are registered in Decisions List signed by the general secretary and kept by him/her and it will be, if necessary, at the disposal of the members of the association.
Article 29. Legal actions, either on the plaintiff or defendant side, are followed by the Board of Directors, represented by the president or an administrator appointed for this purpose.
Article 30. All legal acts, which involve the association, are, unless special procuration’s (assigned deputy), signed by two members of the Board of Directors, who are not required to justify themselves towards third parties about their powers.
The executive committee
Article 31. For the daily management of the association, the Board of Directors delegate a part of its powers to the executive committee.
Article 32. The Board of Directors elects an executive board formed, at least, of the following main functions: A president, one or more vice-president, a general secretary, a general treasurer. A vice general secretary and a vice general treasurer may complete those Functions.
Article 33. The executive board’s members are voted by the Board of Directors for a year’s length. The members may be re-elected.
Internal rules
Article 34. The internal rules add up to the dispositions of the above statutes and will not interfere in any way with them.
Article 35. The internal rules have to be accepted by the General Assembly, before their application.
Article 36. The general secretary is in charge of the supervision and the follow-up of the internal rules.
Article 37. The Executive Committee or the Board of Directors are the only competent authorities re any proposal for modification of the internal rules.
Article 38. Any proposal for modification re the internal rules submitted to the General Assembly by the Board of Directors, will be voted by at least 25% of the present effective members, either present or represented.