Be a part of EBAss

It’s not about job, It’s about ‘VOLUNTEERING’!

Express your interest

Fill out the form and we will come back to you soon.

To apply, you need to include the following information and documents:
• A detailed curriculum vitae in English (pdf version only) clearly elaborating educational and professional experience relevant for the position. Please note it is mandatory to choose a file name that includes your name i.e.“name-surname-cv”.
• A motivation letter in English (pdf version only) including a clear mention of the profile applied for and full postal address. Please note it is mandatory to choose a file name that includes your name i.e. “name-surname-cover letter”.
Please, do not send any supporting documents (i.e.: copies of ID-card, educational certificates, evidence of previous professional experience etc.) with the application at this stage.
In case of technical issue arising while submitting your application, please send an e-mail to (specifying in the subject the position you are applying for) and attach your CV + cover letter in English.
The purpose of this Call for expression of interest is to identify the potential candidates that would be interested to join EBAss Board of Directors.